Family accommodation
The Peritoneal Malignancy Institute (PMI) specialises in the surgical treatment of patients with tumours and cancer that has spread to the peritoneum (a continuous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and covers the abdominal organs), and Basingstoke is one of few places across the country that offers this type of surgery.
Being one of the most experienced international centres for this type of surgery, patients are referred from across the country with many travelling significant distances for this specialist treatment.
This intensive surgery requires recovery time in intensive care and a stay of approximately two to three weeks as an inpatient. In recognition of the impact this has on patient’s wellbeing and mental health, thanks to funding from Hampshire Hospitals Charity, we’re able to provide on-site accommodation for a family member or loved one to stay nearby and visit them during their time with us.
Research has shown that family involvement positively impacts stress levels and can lead to a shorter length of stay and faster physical recovery whilst loneliness can negatively impact physical outcomes.
Providing free accommodation also ensures patients from all socio-economic backgrounds can have someone with them during their recovery to provide valuable support.