Leave a gift that will impact for years to come

When you leave a gift in your Will to Hampshire Hospital Charity, you’re helping to ensure the experience of visiting or working in our hospitals is a good one.

In recent years, legacies left to the charity have helped to fund medical equipment including cooling caps to improve choice in cancer treatment offered to patients. Through legacies, we’ve also been able to meet the needs of children and young people with additional needs by providing a state-of-the-art sensory room.

We strive to improve our hospitals every year by providing those big-ticket items that improve patient care as well as more simple items that make a real difference such as comfy chairs to sit on while you wait or quiet spaces to gather your thoughts.

Every gift leaves a lasting impact on all those who use our hospitals. A gift of just 1% of your estate will support our work to support local people both now and for many years to come.

Why your legacy matters

Hampshire Hospitals Charity is proud to support our hospitals in Basingstoke, Winchester and Andover. The NHS provides everything you would expect to see in a hospital but we’re here to make the experience of visiting or working in our hospitals as good as it can be. Gifts in Wills and donations are key at enabling us to do this.

Did you know?

A gift of just 1% of your estate in your Will could make a huge difference to the work we’re able to do, supporting our patients and staff.

Will writing tips and FAQs

  • Whether you are writing your Will for the first time, or adding a gift to Hampshire Hospitals Charity in your existing Will, you will need to include our name, address and registered charity number.

    Name: Hampshire Hospitals Charity

    Fundraising Office,
    Ashley Building,
    Royal Hampshire County Hospital, Romsey Road,
    SO22 5DG

    Registered charity number: 1060133

  • Your gift could be a fixed sum of money, a percentage of your estate or even specific items such as property, jewellery, furniture or stocks and shares.

    Every gift makes a difference.

  • Many people put off writing their Will as they expect it to be complicated. However, it is relatively simple and a legal adviser can guide you through the process.

    You can write your own will or ask a legal advisor such as a solicitor or will writing service to draft it for you. Asking a legal advisor will mean that you have somebody else who can answer your questions, provide advice and know the correct legal wording to use.

    Before you begin, you will need to:

    • Make a list of everything you own – including property, money, shares, investments, life insurance policies, and all your valuables and possessions

    • Work out the value of these assets

    • Decide who should benefit from your estate, e.g. family, friends, charities

    • Decide who to appoint as your executor(s), i.e. the people who will administer your estate

  • That's up to you. Of course, we'd be delighted to hear from you, but it is your choice whether you let us know or not.

    To let us know about a gift, please call us on 01962 828353 or email us at hh.charity@hhft.nhs.uk Any information you give us will be kept in strict confidence and you can change your mind at any time.

  • Making a Will is the best way to ensure that your wishes are carried out after your death and your property, money and possessions go to the people and organisations that matter to you.

    Any amount of money or percentage that is gifted to Hampshire Hospitals Charity in your Will will make an impact, and ensure that the experience of visiting and working in our hospitals is as good as it can be. These gifts are inflation proof and usually exempt from inheritance tax. People often find they can afford to be more generous in a will than in their lifetime.

  • Most gifts you leave to Hampshire Hospitals Charity are exempt from tax. We usually receive the full amount. Your gift may also bring the total value of your estate below the inheritance tax threshold. We recommend you talk to a solicitor for more details on tax exemptions and benefits.

  • We understand that you may want to leave a gift to a particular service close to your heart and you're entitled to do this. However, we encourage gifts left to us to be unrestricted. With an unrestricted gift, we are then able to utilise your funds to support where needs it most within our hospitals.

  • Yes you can. A Will is a very personal document that reflects your final wishes and how you want to leave a lasting impact on the world. You are free to change your mind at any time.